The Guinea Pig in the Cocoa Mine

Underground Cocoa Experiments

Welcome to the Cocoa Mine

Hello, world! This blog is aimed at developers. Most of the posts will probably deal with the development of native applications on OS X and iOS, in particular using the Cocoa framework.

I make my living from the sales of Findings, a lab notebook app for scientists and researchers. The best way to support me is to check it out and pass the information to your friends working in science or in research. Thanks!

This blog is managed using Octopress, with the static files hosted on S3. To get this to work, I followed the instructions posted by more adventurous souls. I like the design and the way it works, I like using Markdown, and it seems to work OK for now.

Why is it called “The Guinea Pig in the Cocoa Mine”? For this, you just need to understand why my other blog is called “The Guinea Pig in the Coal Mine” (which I use very occasionally to post very random, mostly boring, thoughts). From there to here, the subtle variation in title should be obvious, and it should be very clear that I could not have picked another name.

This is me on stage at NSConference 7.

Credits: @danielpunkass
