The Guinea Pig in the Cocoa Mine

Underground Cocoa Experiments

NSConf Slides: The Kitchen Sink Database

I gave a blitz talk at NSConf 6 earlier this year. The video has just been posted on vimeo, where anybody can see it (and my blitz talk from last year is there as well).

The video is of excellent quality. It is not too painful to watch myself, so I would say I am happy with the result. The only problem with the video is that I wish more time was spent on showing the slides. To help you follow along my ramblings, here is the Keynote file, which also has the presenter notes if you don’t want to even watch the video: Keynote slides for “The Kitchen Sink Database”.

There were many other great talks this year, all available on the NSConf 6 collection (and of course, all NSConf 5 videos are also available). For instance, you could watch the bliz talks “MPGestures : supervised multistroke gesture recognition”, “A Quick Intro To OSXFUSE” or “Core Data Sync with Ensembles”, where Drew McCormack officially launched Ensembles 1.0. There are still more talks to be added: keep an eye on macdevnet on twitter.
